Life at our house.....

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

First Grade

Well, we've survived two days of school. Sydni is just not happy because (1) she misses her kindergarten teacher, Ms. Laura, (2) she didn't get the first grade teacher she wanted (although we really like her teacher, Ms. Karen...and Sydni does's just taking her time to adjust, (3) none of her friends are in her class and (4) school goes longer and there's not as much outdoor time as last year. Big change from kindergarten and anyone who knows Sydni knows how difficult that is for her. Ah...the tough lessons of life! I'm hoping tomorrow morning goes better...this morning we woke up to tears and a determined, "I'm not going to school...I hate it!" We got to see Ms. Laura after school so hopefully that will help some. I think this part of parenting is harder than staying home with 3 toddlers!

Paul and Rosie start PEP next week...9/1...Paul M-F; Rosie M, W, F, so I'll just have Ashleigh at home. Not sure how she's gonna like that although it will be good for us to have some one-on-one time. She gets evaluated by FWISD on 9/28 and hopefully will be admitted to PPCD after that. Am gonna try to pickup some after school care work to supplement our income. I just dont' see how I can go back to work just yet...not until they're all in school....but I don't really want to go back then so hopefully we'll win the lottery and all will be well!!:-) I think I'll just work on living in the moment:-)

Friday, August 21, 2009

Back-to-school swim party

It is hard to believe school starts Monday! We enjoyed one last big hurrah at the pool on Thursday. We had such a great time and I'm really going to miss our weekly play dates. We have made some amazing memories this summer with Trish, Stacy, Tina, Wren, Jeni, Robert and Sarah...and all the kids that go with them!!:-) What would we do without our tribe and village???:-) We made Pat and Janna a big "thank you" sign with lots of pictures from our summer fun attached to it! They have been soooo gracious this summer. After we got home, Daisy came to visit and drop off Ashleigh's birthday present...Leigh got home early...she had a doctor's appointment...then Sydni went to the stables wtih Cindy and Samantha. Busy, busy day. Ashleigh is feeling a little bit better but she, Leigh and I were up from about 1:00 am to 3:30 am...something's gotta give also very secure in knowing that Spirit has it all under control...not necessarily worry or stress free or even happy about it nonetheless!!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Happy Birthday, Ashleigh!

Had a nice little family gathering for Ashleigh's birthday. Can't believe she's three! Looking forward to the "big" party on Saturday! I think....lot's to do to get ready between how and then!


Ah...back a bit ago from a drive to Granbury to look at a horse. Not sure how that's all going to pan out. It was actually a nice were really getting out of the city....will leave in about an hour to go to Sydni's school orientation. I just can't believe she's going to be in first grade. She put on her new high top Sketchers and said, "I think I've grown!" She is very excited...but also nervous...complaining again of stomach aches. She is sooooo my daughter...I remember having a lot of tummy aches at her age! Will chat more later and add pics from Ashleigh's little family birthday last night.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

The weekend...'s Sunday evening. Leigh and Sydni are out at the stables. The 3 little ones are it is quiet in the house. I needed it to be. It's been a hard fuse has been short...and that tends to lead to guilt cause I'm certainly not modeling the kind of behavior I want to see from my kids!!:-) We all just seem to be on edge for some reason. Thank goodness they're so going to work this week on breathing...and letting go.....

Friday night mommy date didn't work out...but that's okay...I'd been up since 3:30 so I was pretty tired. Samantha spent the night with Sydni. Saturday was up and at Kroger by 5 am then took van in for oil change. Home by 9 and Leigh, Sydni, Samantha and Mickey went to a horse show that some of the Trinity Farm riders were in. Leigh and Sydni went to her Daisy Scout meeting at 3 then back to the stables to help with a birthday party. Church was good and on David staying around (YEAH!!!) on 8/30. So excited about that!!! Leigh and Paul had a date this and Ash napped; Sydni and I watched a movie. Didn't just having a hard time relaxing right now...

Have a lot coming up this week. Ashleigh turns 3 tomorrow....that is so hard to believe. Will celebrate with the "immediate" family tomorrow and then big birthday party on Saturday. Orientation on Tuesday at Sydni's school. Aiden on Wednesday. Back to school swim party on Thursday. Friday...clean, clean, clean...and get whatever I've forgotten...for Ashleigh's party.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Today was good...

Had a great time swimming today; spent 4 hours at the pool. Will post pics when I find batteries for my camera! Sydni went with her friend Samantha and her mom to the stables this afternoon...she and Leigh just got home about 8:30. That girl would live out there if we would let her! Am sad I don't get to go to my nephew's wedding in Roswell this weekend. I knew I couldn't make the trip..10 hours driving...4 do the math... but am really bummed that my family will be there without me. We haven't all been together in one place in 14 years or so. Okay...let it bills....looking forward to a mommy night out. Think Leigh is heading to a wine tasting in Grapevine...Daddy is coming over to hang out with the kids a bit. Kids were a bit more tame today! That water is an amazing thing.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

My week.....

So today...this week...feel like I'm out of the fog over Ashleigh's diagnosis and moving forward! Today was "Aiden" day and family dinner night with the Rosales family (I love Wednesdays!!)Have completed scholarship applications for Paul and Rosie to attend PEP this year and turned them in today; should know something by the end of the week. Sydni starts school a week from Monday...I got a bit sad tonight thinking about how much I've enjoyed this summer with her. Still need to buy backpack. Oh...and she started riding again. Hadn't been on a horse in about two months. We are soooooo excited!!! Now she wants every day to be a stable day! We go to orientation at her school next week. Ashleigh has an appointment on September 28 for testing with FWISD. Have a stack of paperwork to fill out for the State to try to get some benefits for Ashleigh. Need to check into SSI benefits. Ashleigh turns 3 on Monday; party for her on the 22nd that I need to get organized. Got Sarah's baby shower e-vite out tonight. Need to work on bulletin. Tomorrow is another day at the pool and should be lots of fun. Excited that Wren and Seth and Stacy, Derek and Jillian are coming. Friday...mommy show and Daisy Scout meeting; Sunday, church and a "back to school" playdate with some of her schoolmates.. that's wonder I have a hard time falling asleep....or going back to sleep when I wake up in the middle of the night. Breathe......

The "photo shoot"

Paul woke up yesterday morning and decided we needed to do a "photo shoot"...they were just in rare form! You can just see their personalities by the looks on their faces!!

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Monday, August 10, 2009

Houston, we have a problem!!!!

This photo prompted me to run to the nearest Penney's and purchase Paul a shirt that reads, "Sorry, girls, my parents say no dating!"

August 8 ~ Sock Hop

Agape held a murder mystery dinner and sock hop...Leigh and I lent ourselves for babysitting services...I will learn one of these days:-) Yummy, yummy Momma Shel shabangbang got to dance afterwards. It was a lot of fun....

August 7 ~ Fun in the sun

Ah...Friday swim day. Fun with Trish and kids and Jeni and kids. It was hot, hot, hot.....

Playdate and Family Dinner, August 5

We love Wednesdays around here!! Aiden comes to play and then we have "family dinner" with Robert and Sarah! The boys were exhausted...Bebe and Aiden couldn't hold out any longer!!

Sunday, July 26

Enjoyed an afternoon/evening at the stables. Ms. Julie had a cookout for volunteers and the kids all got to ride. The girls LOVED it...Paul...not his cup of tea!! Think we're going to have a couple of more equestrians in the family!!

Saturday August 1

Saturday was a busy day...two birthday parties...headed to Chucky Cheese to celebrate Gloria Werle's 7th birthday...then to Matt and Jeff's for Walton's 10th birthday party!

Friday, July 31

Went swimming at Pat and Janna's today...forgot the camera...Zoie came home with us for the weekend...Shel and Trish and kids came for dinner! Had a great time just tuning the kids out and having some adult conversation!! Paul just love his "Momma Shel!"

July 30, 2009

Sydni wanted to "go play" at Kris and Linda's and then they came over for dinner! Caputured Kris being a kid at heart...or brave...or crazy....jumping on the trampoline with the kids!!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

"Zoie's House"

Sweet little Rosie. Robert Rosales did some work on our website last night (thank you, thank you Robert!) so Sarah told me to take a look at it. Gathered the kids around the computer to show them...everyone is excited and thinks its cool their picture is on the computer. Anyway, Robert put a link to our favorite sites, one of which is the Agape website. So I clicked on it and the picture of the church came up. Rosie pointed and said with gusto, "Look, it's Zoie's house!":-) So, I have news for everyone...God doesn't live Rosie's eyes...Zoie does!!